Most Straight Girls Are Actually Also Attracted to Other Girls
Most Straight Girls Are Actually Also Attracted to Other Girls, According to a new study.
We all know that sexuality isn’t a binary: there’s a whole spectrum of sexual identification. And even within the ways people self-identify, there’s a lot of flexibility and fluidity. A new study has found that most straight-identified women are actually also attracted to other women. And you can find these women here.
The study, which is set to be published in the December issue of The Journal of Sex Research, polled 487 college-aged heterosexual women in an online survey. Participants were asked to rate their own attractions on a 1-7 point scale, with 1 being “not at all” and 7 being “very much so.” They were also asked how they identified sexually, on a scale from “completely heterosexual” to “completely homosexual.”
What the researchers found was that for the majority of women, their attractions didn’t line up perfectly with their self-identified sexual orientation. In fact, only 13 percent of participants reported that their attractions matched up perfectly with their identification as heterosexual.
The results also showed that attractions varied depending on different circumstances—for example, many women said they were more attracted to other women when they were drunk or high. And while some participants reported feeling “phased out” by the lesbian community because they weren’t “gay enough,” others said they felt “phased out” by the straight community because they weren’t “straight enough.” Basically, this study just goes to show that sexuality is far more complicated than we often give it credit for.
Conclusion: These findings challenge the notion that sexuality is static and set in stone—instead, they suggest that sexuality is complex, fluid, and always changing. It’s important to remember that everyone experiences their own unique identity, and there is no correct or incorrect way to be. So whether you consider yourself straight, gay, bisexual, or anything else on the spectrum, know that you are valid and your feelings are valid—always.